Wednesday, July 25, 2012

41. Vauxhall Corsa's and Citreon Saxo's with stupid body kits and huge exhausts on them. They do not look cool, they look ridiculous
42. Teenagers that drive cars with the drivers seat almost in the horizontal position. This is not cool, it is just retarded
43. Superglue. It will be the end of me at some point. I have lost count of the amount of times I have stuck myself to something
44. Cottage cheese. There is no conceivable excuse for selling this as a foodstuff. It is inedible
45. Rice crackers. If I wanted to eat polystyrene I could get it from the packing in cardboard boxes and not have to buy it from supermarkets.
46. Dominos Pizza prices. You have to be shitting me. £15 for a medium sized pizza.
47. DFS Sales. There is never a period of the year where they don't have a sale on. Please stop it with the stupid adverts.
48. The price of Macbook's, iPad's, iPhones and indeed anything with the Apple logo on it. I can only assume that most of Apple's customers are magpies with large bank accounts
49. Ann Summers. Just because I bought some sex toys off you at one point to entertain my partner, does not mean I need to be bombarded every week with your incredible offers on peephole bras and g-strings
50. That bloody plastic packaging that they ship things like SD cards in, that you need a kitchen knife or a pair of big scissors to cut open. At some point I am going to sever an artery while trying to get a USB pendrive out of its packaging
51. People that piss in public swimming pools. You know who you are.
52. People that drink alcohol-free lager. Why ? Just why ?
53. People who think it is interesting to tell you Coca-Cola dissolves 2p pieces. As if you hadn't heard it a million times before
54. Timberland boots/shoes. Your designs and colours are vile and your prices are astonishing
55.  Primark. If you are selling t-shirts for 50p, some poor sod in India is working for 1 rupee a day and living in a hovel in order to make it.
56. Asda. I will never shop with you. You are part of Walmart who have some of the worst working conditions for employees, known to man.
57. Lidl. I will never shop with you either. I do not want cola that looks like puddle water and I do not want my wine containing anti-freeze and I do not want to support you paying people that harvest your salad vegetables, less than minimum wage
58. London. Wipe it out. The UK will be a better place without it.
59. Angry Glaswegians. Yes, I am English. No, I did not personally assault your ancestors. I just like to get on with people from all sorts of backgrounds and nationalities. Can't you at least try ?
60. The price of spending one minute on a mobile phone ringing your Mum from Spain, to tell her you landed safely. If that actually costs the network operators the £2 a minute, they charge me, then I am the Pope.


  1. Brilliant agree with all but the ASDA one as it's where I shop but totally agree with every single other point :)

  2. It is heartening that I am not the only grumpy old bastard out there, Michael :-)
